Disaster Resilient Communities in Nepal by 2050

Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Major Hospitals of Nepal

Supporting Agency: World Health Organization (WHO) Ministry of Health, His Majesty Government of Nepal

Country: Nepal
Location within Country: 14 Major Hospitals of Nepal (through out the country)
Project Period: January 2003- April 2004

The Program:
For the first time in the region, NSET conducted during 2000-2003 a seismic vulnerability assessment of all major hospitals of Nepal in collaboration with Ministry of Health and World Health Organization (WHO). Structural and non-structural vulnerability of 14 major hospitals of Nepal have been assessed and mitigation and intervention options were identified and planned for implementation. Guided by the region-level interest in assessment methodology, NSET published “Guidelines for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Hospitals” jointly with the World Health Organization (WHO).

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